Saturday, December 15, 2012


My oldest daughter is 10 years.  I know some may not think of that as being pre-teen, but trust me she is very mature for her age....sometimes I think she is a 10 year old in a 25 year old body.  That being said, I have had to come to grips with entering a new phase of parenthood.  Discussing hormones, body changes, and puberty.  Let me just say now, I would rather be hit with a sock full of nickles than to discuss sex with my child.  But I have to, it is the responsible thing to do. 

First, it was the period talk.  I sat her down and discussed what happens in a girls body as she grows and changes.  I talked boobs, hair growth, was painful, but I made it through.  Then I swore her to secrecy until she has to discuss this with her children.  Well, maybe not that kind of secrecy, but I told her not to tell her sister.  I also told her that this was something that parents discuss with their kids and not to say anything at school because it is up to her friends' parents to talk about this with them.  So far, no one has called to curse me because my child told their kid about the facts of puberty.

The next topic of discussion, sex.  Oh. My. Gosh.  Just smack me now.  She came home the other day saying that a boy in her class was making a joke about something tickling his pickle.  She said he had to explain to her what that meant.  Now I know I have to have the sex talk with her.  I cannot have fellow fifth graders sharing with her the misinformation about sex that only fifth graders could share.

I am trying to work up the courage for this one.  I would love some advice, book recommendations, a life line....something to make this easier.  I know all parents should be having this conversation with their kids, but I know many do not.  Mostly out of embarrassment, I think.  We need to realize that we are not doing our kids any favors by not discussing things with them.  They will find out one way or another, and they should learn from a reliable source, their parents.

So, after I psych myself up I will take the plunge into the abyss that is the sex talk with my child.  I better get used to it, there are two more after her.  Maybe I will practice on the dog.  He does not understand anyway so I cannot traumatize him too badly.

Someday I will look back on this and laugh....someday.

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