Sunday, December 16, 2012

Adam Lanza

Yes, that is his name.  Adam Lanza.  This is the person that found the ability in his twisted, screwed up world to walk into an elementary school and murder innocent children and teachers.  That is his name, Adam Lanza.  Why he committed the crime that he did is still unknown, but I think the main point here is that he was deeply troubled.  In the article I linked to his name it states that he was known for showing no emotion, an outsider, a loner, and strange.  At least one person who went to school with him says that it was not a surprise that he did this. 

THAT is the problem with our country.  We have kids walking around through their lives, with something wrong inside.  They are saying that they could see that something was wrong with this person.  Why, why was he just walking around unstable, unemotional, waiting for the wrong thing to set him off?  I am not saying that any person who is anti-social should be locked up, but this kid had a history of instability.

I feel like this kid's village failed him.  I do.  I know many people are just condemning his heinous actions, and I am not trying to minimize the aftermath.  I just think that instead of solely focusing on gun control and whether or not to increase it, decrease it, or just plain enforce what we have, we need to look at our society's handling of mental illness.

We have to make something positive come out of this horror.  Our society has fallen off a much worse cliff than anything fiscal, we have fallen off a moral cliff.  We have lost control of what we allow our children to be expose to.  We have pushed aside those that need help, brushing it under the rug as they are just different.  Different is okay, but mentally unstable needs help!

We have to become accountable as a society.  We have to stand up for our morals and values, and not just talk about, we have to act on it!  We have to return to the days where neighborhoods were safe for kids to play in after school.  We have to return to the time when it was okay to have a disagreement with someone and not worry about them killing you in the street.  We have to return to a time where we respected human life, and cherished all of our kids. 

I implore parents everywhere to stand up and start working together.  We do not have to agree on every parenting aspect, it is okay if we do things differently than each other.  But we have to work together to raise our children in a healthy, thriving environment.  We have to take back our society, and say enough is enough.  Only we can do this, we on the front lines of our home towns.  We are the soldiers in this war.  We fight it with love, compassion, understanding, and most of all COMMUNICATION!!!

I challenge you, you reading this right now, to use your voice right now and state your role.  How are you going to change the world you live in today?  What is your first step in action?  How will you make your world a better place for your children, or your nieces/nephews, your cousins, your neighbors children, any and every child growing up in our society today? 

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