Friday, August 30, 2013

Some direction

I have been doing a little research about blogging and how to really make a go of it, professionally. One suggestion that I came across was to specialize and tailor the blog to a specific parenting issue, so as to become somewhat of a subject matter expert.

If I had to tailor my blog to one thing, I think at this point I would pick nutrition, and healthy eating. I am thinking of taking this blog in a more concentrated direction....with some track derailment here and there...

I would love to know how you all would feel about this. I would be including article, written by others, and myself. I would start posting research, pointers, real advice on how to get kids to eat healthier, and tips and tricks I use myself.

The biggest aspect is that I may have to look at changing blogging locations. Not sure yet. I am still doing the research on that.

For now, I would love to know how receptive everyone would be to a blog that focused on the health, and nutrition aspect of parenting.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Positive Parenting

I have written a couple articles lately on positive parenting and being a positive role model to a child. I love these articles because in writing them it reminds me to be wary of the same things in my own parenting. Sometimes we can fall victim to our own laziness as parents, and begin to take for granted a child's good behavior. It is important for them, and for us, to keep the eye on the prize. It is vital for kids to hear positive reinforcement when they do something good.

In order to be a good role model to a child, one first has to lead by example. If a child sees an adult who is consistently being negative, talking about people behind their backs, and generally being a negative person, they are not going to turn around and listen to that person tell them to look at the glass half full. If it is not something an adult is willing to do themselves, then a child is not going to do it.

If we are trying to instill good habits in our children, we must exemplify good habits for them. Eating healthy, exercising, taking time for ourselves is leading by example for our children. When they see us take care of our bodies, and make ourselves a priority, it gives them the message that they too must take care of themselves. By showing children that we care enough to treat our bodies with care, we teach them the same about their own bodies.

Taking an active role in a child's education is also a must for good role models. We cannot just sit back and lecture about doing homework, and studying for tests. We parents have to go to whatever meetings we have the ability to attend, and have an open line of communication with teachers. A child needs to be encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, which parents should be involved in as well. In essence, parents should be devoted to supporting their children 100% of the time.

Being a parent is no easy gig. It takes, hard work, dedication, blood, sweat, and tears. It is our obligation to do our very best for our kids. They did not ask to be brought into this world, and so, we owe it to them to raise them with good moral values, a nurturing home, and an uplifting spirit. We owe it to them to give them the best start possible, because how awful would it be to watch them spending an adulthood trying to fix what we broke.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Peek-A-Boo....I See You....

Sorry for the leave of absence, I have meandered into a new endeavor and need to adjust my time management skills yet again. I have started writing for Demand Media, freelance articles on parenting. I have been focused over there for a month or so now, and just have not been able to find the time to write there, and still keep up with the blog. I will do better, I promise.

I have begun to wonder how these professional, earn a full time income, work at home moms do it. I have a toddler at home, and two school age kids, and finding the time to write in one place is hard enough, let alone what some of these moms are able to juggle. My hat's off to them, because they must have the write  Okay, okay, I know, lame joke.

I have found in writing parenting articles, I am learning as much as I am writing. I have done several articles on teenagers, and many on autism. I can safely say I do not know how parents of autistic children do all they do....and I have no desire to rush to the teenage years with my girls...yikes.

I am loving being able to write though, it feels good to use my brain, which was beginning to feel like a huge ball of mush. I do need to work on time management skills though. Although, I think toddlers are the kryptonite to time management.

I will do my best to remain dedicated to my blog. for those of you who are devoted readers, and will even try to share my articles with you all as well. Maybe some day I can get around to writing that book that everyone keeps telling me to write, because I have so much extra time on my hands...