Saturday, March 31, 2012

Support Groups for Kids

Have you ever thought, gosh my kid needs a support group for _______.  When I got divorced I thought maybe I would need to find some outlet, some group, some something for my girls to be able to handle the breaking apart of their family.  Thankfully, they were able handle things pretty well.  They were fairly young, 5 &3 when we separated.  It was hard, but manageable.  In the end, they are happier and healthier mentally for it.  We have both moved on and remarried, and had more kids.  The girls are surrounded by people who love them, and thrive in sharing their love with us all as well.

It is not this easy for many children of divorce.  There have been times that things between myself and my ex got ugly, there will be more times too, I am almost certain.  But for the most part we both do a good job of not letting the kids be hit by it.  We keep it between ourselves, and put on the good ole happy face in front of the children. 

The thing I struggle with the most is that my girls have had to pay the biggest consequences for our choices.  I will probably struggle with that until the day I die.  I accept it, but I cannot help sometimes to feel that twinge of guilt over it.  I just thank God that they are happy, healthy, well adjusted girls.  I love them with all my heart, and want the very best for them, for us all. 

Children need an outlet for their feelings.  Whether we involve them in sports, arts, church, therapy, etc.  They, just like we adults, need a niche in their world that is for them.  A place where they can just be themselves, and be accepted and nurtured for who they are, outside of the home.  Whether the child is a brainiac, or a jock, an artist, or a poet.  Everyone needs a place to express themselves freely, openly, and without ridicule. 

Every child needs love.

Affect Change Through Positivity Not Through Brut

I am a strong advocate of standing up for your beliefs, but the way in which you stand up can be an art form.  Those that stand up with diplomacy, conviction, and ration are more likely to be heard and to affect change.  People that stand up with brut strength usually just cause an equal and opposite reaction in the situation they are trying to change, or get change out of fear and loathing.

In the USA we are all entitled to our beliefs and opinions, and expressions.  But we still have to live within certain boundaries and limitations.  I am proud to say that one of my strong character traits is my ability to be open, diplomatic, and still get my point across. 

This is something I am passing on to my girls, because out in the real world, it can come in really handy. 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Ever Wish Your Two Nostrils Would Cooperate???

We have been fighting a cold around this house for about a week or so now.  I am getting better, but back to the one open nostril, one closed nostril situation.  What is up with that?  Why does that happen?  Just how much snot can one nostril produce in one day???  Okay, okay, that was too

The baby is finally napping.  I vacuumed the first level of stairs, cleaned the foyer, threw in laundry, showered, walked the dog this morning, and have done some dishes....I feel like I have sooo much more to do and yet feel like I have done so much already. 

I also wrote to the school regarding the Hunger Games issue.  Waiting to hear back on that one.  I need to dust, vacuum some more, fold more laundry, create a really.

You know, often times stay at home Moms feel like the forgotten souls.  I know I struggle with feeling inadequate because I do not contribute financially to our household.  I feel a bit insecure when I think of being completely financially dependent on my hubby, and worry about the what ifs of my life.  But I could not, and would not, want to stick my baby in daycare to work.  I would love to work from home, but right now, with Gabs not napping reliably....well, I would need a good deal of flexibility.  I am pretty good with typing, so data entry would be great, if I could do it at my leisure, which is usually 4 am.  As Gabs gets older, I will be hunting more voraciously for something I can do from home, legitimately, and make a decent buck, or two.  Right now, here I am....doing what I can to take care of my family the best way I can. 

Any Other Bloggers Having This Issue???

I am having a heck of a time getting my Blogger App to work on my Android.  Does anyone else have an issue with this app???

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hunger Games

I have a question for you parents out there.  How young is too young for the Hunger Games book/movie?  It is rated PG-13, so obviously the movie industry feels that 13 is an appropriate age, unless accompanied by a parent. 

My 7 year old 2nd grader came home today complaining that several of her classmates were playing a new game called, Hunger Games.  I asked her what they were doing, and she said they were pretending to use weapons and kill each other.  Now, I am not naive, but I had hoped that my 7 year old would be for a little while yet.

My 9 year old said her classmates are obsessed with the Hunger Games, and she quite frankly is sick of it....I love that kid.  I will also say, my kids go to a private, Catholic School.  I don't know if I am wrong in expecting more because of this, but I do, and my bank account says that I have a right to, since all my money goes to them. 

So, I want to hear from parents, what are your thoughts on the Hunger Games, what is old enough for the book and/or movie?  Do you think that I shouldn't be at all surprised that 7 & 8 year olds are enacting the concept on the playground?  Should I mention it to the teacher?  Or am I just being an overconservative prude?  Go ahead, give me your honest opinion...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pulling An All Nighter....

The art of being Mom means being able to pull an all nighter with a teething baby, and still be awake and alert enough to get the older kids through their activities for today....which is getting them ready for and being with them through their first penance. 

Our poor lil Lumpkin is teething and I have been up all night with her.  The hubs has to work today, and is sick, the older girls are not feeling well, we are all fighting allergies to the max....even the six month old baby is sick, on top of teething....oy.

So, I am headed for my second cup of coffee at 7am, while she cat naps in the bouncy seat....all wrapped up in her blankie.  My 7 year old is sitting here doing her examination of conscience before her first penance....and I am at peace with the world...what other way is there to be.

Springtime Pasta

Veggie Wednesday brought us Springtime Pasta.  Rigatoni, with asparagus, sugar snap peas, mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes, white wine sauce, and a sprinkle of cheese.  The kids devoured it....and asked for it for lunch the next day.  That is how I judge how much they REALLY like it.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

7 Layer Salad, Adapted....

Last night I made a 7 layer salad, well, a version of a 7 layer salad. I made it with mixed greens, garbanzos, cherry tomatoes, green onions, red pepper, yellow pepper, and cucumber. The recipe called for some creamy dressing and ham, which I left out both. My hubby is allergic to pork and we don't like goopy dressings....sooo, I abbreviated my version. The kids LOVED it sooo much. My kids are terrific eaters. Some comments I heard during dinner last night were as follows:

"Garbanzos, you know how I love me some garbanzos!"
"I love eating colorful food, it makes me feel like I am eating art."
"Mommy, you are the best cook ever!"
"If there are leftovers, can we have this in our lunch tomorrow?"

This is a picture of our dinner. The girls ate their broiled chicken on top of the salad, with just a little plain white rice on the side.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Neighborhood Watch...

Am I the only person that is wondering how long we have to listen to this crap about the Neighborhood Watch moron that killed a teenager???  I mean, arrest him, charge him, and move forward.  What the heck are they waiting for?  He was told NOT to follow the kid by the 911 dispatcher.  They specifically told him they did NOT need him to do that....sooo, if, and it's a BIG IF, he actually was attacked by this child, then it was his own fault.  He was told NOT TO FOLLOW the kid, so for him to continue his pursuit says to me he had a motive beyond just surveillance. 

This guy murdered this kid, that is how I see it.  Unless someone can show me evidence to the contrary, he killed him in cold blood, and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Doing a Happy Dance....

My little 6 month old doll baby is napping, in her own bed....praise God, Allah, Jesus, Buddha, whomever the most high praise can be praised to.  She fell asleep under protest, at 9:35, and almost 2 hours later, she is still asleep.  I did some online research for vacay, some vacuuming, some laundry, some dishes, planned dinner, etc....and now just waiting for her to get up so we can go walking....get my exercise on for today.  It is a wonderful first day of Spring!!!!

Post baby bodies.

I am counting calories, walking, doing everything I can while nursing, in order to lose the last of the baby weight.  I am one of those Moms who does not lose massive poundage while nursing.  Much the opposite, I think my body tries to hold on to everything it can while I am nursing in order to ensure that it has enough.  I always have had over supply issues with every child, so obviously my body thinks it has it all figured out. 

Well, because of this, it is sometimes frustrating for me because I just have such a hard time getting back in to pre-pregnancy condition.  I know, things shift, bodies change, I have a gorgeous lil princess for it all...blah blah blah.  I get it, I love her to pieces, as I love my other two, and wouldn't trade any of them to get rid of the stretch marks I have.  That being said, I also wanna feel like I look like a hot mama.  Being told by other people is one thing, but I want to FEEL it inside my own self.  I wanna love the body I am in, and feel like I look beautiful and sexy. 

I do not want to be skinny, that isn't me.  But I want to be in great shape, and not feel flabby.  And while I continue to work on my image, I also make sure to always remind myself, that a Mommy body is much different than a teen body, or that of someone that has never had kids. 

I like this website The Shape of a Mother, because it shows real moms.  Not the Beyonce 2 month post baby photos we all secretly cringe at....the real deal.  Having a baby can be very traumatic on a body, and often it is never the same again.  The ideal is to create a new palate, an improved version, a body that you look at and smile.  That is my look at myself naked, and hubby does when he looks at me, and I want to also. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Just another manic Monday, oh oh oh....wish it were a Sunday...

Oh ooh oooh....cause that's my fun day....okay, now that I have sufficiently gotten that song stuck in your heads as well as my work here is done.  Well no not really.  Mondays aren't so bad, especially for a stay at home Mom, all the days kinda run together anyway. 

In a few weeks we are leaving for our family trip to Puerto Rico.  I am very excited and also a little nervous.  I know, what's to be nervous about traveling with three children, one of them being a six month  Just wanna make sure we have everything, without being "those people," that have EVERYTHING...lists, its all about lists.  I feel like Spring Break Santa, have my list, checking it twice, gonna buy all our stuff at a nice sale price...LOL! 

So, on a totally different and random note, my oldest daughter pulled a tick off herself last night in the bathtub, off her tummy....UGH.  This is gonna be a long, paranoid tick season. 

FYI, Kohls is having an extra 20% off kids and baby sale today through Thursday, oh yes, I will be there....gotta make sure all my girlies have their Puerto Rico gear!!!

Off to do laundry, oooh ohh oh, just another manic Monday!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cry It Out, Don't Cry It Out....What the heck is the answer....

My little Gabs does NOT like to nap.  She sleeps at night in our bed, and during the day I try and get her to nap in her bed.  She was rubbing her eyes, yawning, and rubbing her face into my chest, she is CLEARLY tired.  I laid her down in her bed, she starts SCREAMING.  I picked her up, laid down in our bed with her, and popped a boob in her mouth, she starts rolling around, still rubbing her eyes, but playing, not napping.   So, I laid her back in her bed.  She is starting her protest now. 

With my oldest daughter I did crying it out, it broke my heart, but after a week or so, she adjusted, and slept great from there on out.  BUT she didn't protest, ie scream, as much as Gabs....
With my second daughter, I didn't have this problem, she slept where ever, whenever...from the start. 
What is the answer....

Kohls Shopping Pass

Got my friends and family shopping pass this morning from Kohls via email.  If you have not signed up to receive these coupons via email, I highly recommend that you do.  No junkmail, only print it if you want to use it, and know when the sales are coming. 

I love Kohls, they have good quality clothing that does not break the bank, and they have really great clothes for the whole family, from our 6 month old daughter, to my 6'1" hubby! 

Busy Baby = Busy Mom

It seems like forever since I blogged last, I was still pregnant, and now my lil peanut is almost 6 months old.  It has been a whirlwind of activity, excitement, stress...

Our little Gabs is a beautiful, precious gift, who is active, alert, and hates to nap....I mean come on, she might miss something!  So of course, what was the first thing to fall by the time.  I am ready to jump back in there, probably mostly early in the morning, and late at I start babbling like a fool, it's most likely because I am tired. 

I hope you missed me while I was gone, more importantly I hope you are happy that I am back...