Monday, November 11, 2013

Weaning Complete....

It is with both great joy and sadness that I announce my third, and final, child has been weaned. She breastfed for 25 months, longer than any of the others. Actually, she nursed longer than the other two COMBINED. She was a boobie hound, boobie-holic, whatever you want to call it. She took to nursing like a champion and never looked back. I tried to cut her back slowly, but she is just not that type of child.

It became clear to me that there would be no child-lead weaning here. If I wanted to be done, I had to call it, cut her off cold turkey and deal with the repercussions. I made the decision to do so about 3 weeks ago. It was not until about 3 days ago that she stopped asking for boobie. She has been having temper tantrums for the duration of the weaning, which I cannot completely attribute to the weaning. I mean, she did just turn two.

My boobs got engorged almost immediately, which was actually helpful when I told her they were broken. Every movement, every time she touched them, shoved her hands down my shirt, or even looked at them too hard, they hurt like CRAZY. She could tell I was in pain. I saw the empathy in my little child's eyes. She could somehow see that this was hurting me too. She stopped asking except for at bedtime. That has been a struggle, and continues to be, although she does not ask anymore. She does try to pull them out. Yes, I know it may sound creepy to some that I have to fight off a two year old. But that is because you are sexualizing the situation. Remember, we are talking about innocent breastfeeding. No nasty comments please.

So now, my little one has been weaned, and as far as I can tell I will never again nurse another baby. I am both happy to have my body back, and sad that this part of my life is over. I try to focus on the happy to have my body back part.


  1. I hate it when people judge. I was encouraged to nurse a little longer with my second by the pediatrician due to a issue she had going on. So she nursed until almost 2 1/2. Mine sounds like yours, no bottle, nothing, all boob! She was/is obsessed with them, Now 7, instead of putting her hand down my shirt, she has moved to putting her hands up my sleeves before bedtime! (winter is the worst with her super cold hands...grrr!) ;-) Congratulations to you, and hugs, it's definitely a bittersweet time,

  2. Thanks Laura!! I am happy that it is done, but I do miss those moments. I am happy to have my body back to being mine, but I am sad that it had to be like this, cold turkey. I am really happy to have been able to nurse her this long. Many women do not have that option, and for that I am MOST grateful!!
