So our adventure today is to the zoo...I love the zoo....I can't wait to post the reaction and aftermath of this trip. It's the baby's first trip to the zoo!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Ssssshhh, we're going to the zoo today.....
Yesterday my oldest daughter was talking about the zoo and the exhibits that were closed the last time we were there. I was shocked she remembered the last time we were there, as I think it has been at least a year, maybe two since we went. I was pregnant last year, and not feeling all that great, among many other things that had me not up to par.
So I asked her if she would be up for going on Sunday....and of course she said yes. We have decided NOT to tell her 7 year old sister. So after church this morning we are going to come home, change our clothes, and pack a small lunch, and leave. I asked the oldest sister to keep the two younger ones occupied while I make some sandwiches and pack some snacks, to avoid being interrogated by the 7 year old. Then I will declare we need to go to the store, and off we are headed to the zoo. It is really an honor to live so close to our nation's capitol, and too many people do not take advantage of all that we have so nearby.
So our adventure today is to the zoo...I love the zoo....I can't wait to post the reaction and aftermath of this trip. It's the baby's first trip to the zoo!
So our adventure today is to the zoo...I love the zoo....I can't wait to post the reaction and aftermath of this trip. It's the baby's first trip to the zoo!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
The Barefoot Executive
Have you read this book? I just started it. I am digging it so far. I am feeling like Carrie and I have similar personalities. So hopefully I can gain some great direction.
Family Fun Night
Since coming to this school I have had a little bit of a hard time making friends. I have made plenty of acquaintances, but real friends have been a little bit of an issue. It's hard when you're coming into a group where most of the people have known each other for years, often the duration of the lives of their children. Being the new Mom in town can make for a rough transition.
Last night I talked to a few Moms that I see all the time, a few a rarely get a chance to speak with and even one or two that I have never met. We were only there for a couple hours, but the girls had a blast, and I enjoyed the socializing. I guess it was a success since my family had fun!
It did remind me though of how hard it has been to crack into this social scene. It takes me right back to school when I would move and be the new kid. It was so scary and intimidating to make new friends. I am much more outgoing now than I was as a child and STILL it seems so frustrating.
Nevertheless, I had some great conversation last night, chatted up a friend about some fierce new shoes she was rockin', and the girls had a it was a success!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Personal Growth
We all have some part of ourselves that needs work, some sort of baggage. Whether from our childhoods, a physical impairment, emotional one, etc. Everyone has something. When we find outselves in a relationship we have to look at that other person and ask, "Is there 'something' a thing I can live with forever?" If the answer is yes, then we have a potential life long relationship. If the answer is no, then there are some serious questions we need to ask ourselves about why we are with that person, and for how long we intend on wasting everyone's time.
The thing about having personal issues is that whatever they are, the owner of the issues should be working on them. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was built! I think it is very important that regardless of whatever issues we are willing to live with, we should all be striving to grow beyond those issues, with the help and support of our mate, family, friends.
It is wonderful to accept people for who they are, it is vitally important, but it is equally important to be a support to them as they grow and learn more about themselves, life, human nature, whatever they need to learn about in order to grow.
Life is about change, growth, learning. Life is our teacher, and it is up to us to be the best students we can be. Don't throw your education down the toilet by getting caught up in the baggage of your life, and not working on yourself every day.
No one will treat you better than you treat yourself, that is my Dr. Philism of the day. But it is true, if you treat yourself like you are a worthless piece of crap, why would anyone treat you any differently.
Love yourself enough to find your self worth, and care for yourself like you would a newborn baby. Don't neglect or abuse your body or your mind, they are the only ones you get in this lifetime, and they really need you to thrive.
The thing about having personal issues is that whatever they are, the owner of the issues should be working on them. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was built! I think it is very important that regardless of whatever issues we are willing to live with, we should all be striving to grow beyond those issues, with the help and support of our mate, family, friends.
It is wonderful to accept people for who they are, it is vitally important, but it is equally important to be a support to them as they grow and learn more about themselves, life, human nature, whatever they need to learn about in order to grow.
Life is about change, growth, learning. Life is our teacher, and it is up to us to be the best students we can be. Don't throw your education down the toilet by getting caught up in the baggage of your life, and not working on yourself every day.
No one will treat you better than you treat yourself, that is my Dr. Philism of the day. But it is true, if you treat yourself like you are a worthless piece of crap, why would anyone treat you any differently.
Love yourself enough to find your self worth, and care for yourself like you would a newborn baby. Don't neglect or abuse your body or your mind, they are the only ones you get in this lifetime, and they really need you to thrive.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tell the truth or spare the feelings???
Here is but a tiny example. I am a room parent for my older daughter's class. I volunteer in BOTH my girls' classes but I am official for my older daughter's class. Well, the school is doing end of the year testing this week, Terra Nova testing. My younger daughter is taking these tests for the first time, as they start in 2nd grade.
My older daughter's class is having a party at the end, on Friday, to celebrate being done with these boring, hours and hours long tests all week. My younger daughter caught wind of this party, and started asking her sister questions. In her excitement, my older daughter laid it all out on the line, the sack races, hula hooping, sticker tattoos, music, snacks. I could see my younger daughter's eyes about to pop out of her skull in sheer desire for everything her big sis was describing.
And then it happens, the little one turns to me and asks, "How come my class isn't having a party?" Like a deflated balloon zipping around the kitchen running out of air and screaching a high pitched squeal I fell apart. I hate having to disappoint any of my girls, but life happens. So I explained the logistics, and how she will have a party on some day that her sister won't....and blah blah blah. She made me promise to be there...sure, no problem, DONE! They are great kids with a ton of understanding, they make parenting a lot less messy.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Neutral Browns
Looking good doesn't have to take an act of God to accomplish. Even Moms on a tight time budget, and money budget can easily accomplish this. Here is a cute, simple look that doesn't have to break the bank. A comfy, cute brown ruffle dress, with some nude strappy heels, and brown pearl accessories. When you're in the house you can ditch the heels for some flip flops or flats if you need to, or not.
The dress:
A-kine, with the gathering at the waist, to hide any tummy issues, and really make your waist look TINY!!! Some ruffling to dress it up a bit, but comfy knit fabric to keep it wearable all day long.
The accessories:
Who doesn't love simple pearls??? Put these brown ones with the dress above and the shoes below, and BAM, HOT MAMA!!
Yes, I know these are Louboutins...a girl can dream can't have the $24 Kohls equivalent.
So there ya go, a super cute, comfy, great outfit!! It's as simple as that. Every woman, Mom or not, deserves to look great and it shouldn't be that difficult to do it!
The dress:
The accessories:
Who doesn't love simple pearls??? Put these brown ones with the dress above and the shoes below, and BAM, HOT MAMA!!
So there ya go, a super cute, comfy, great outfit!! It's as simple as that. Every woman, Mom or not, deserves to look great and it shouldn't be that difficult to do it!
Black and white ensemble
A simple, cute black and white outfit. Accessories can make a look come together completely. I have to be careful with them due to my grabby 7 month old, but the bag, glasses, flip flops, and belt would still work for me. Just one way a Mom can keep it cute, stylish, and STILL comfortable!!!
Dark Chocolate Bark
I gave up desserts for Lent, and lost 10 pounds...WOOT. Well, now that I am allowed to partake again, I was looking for a dessert that would calm the sweet tooth, but not pack those 10 pounds back on, plus some.
My friend gave me a recipe for Dark Chocolate Bark....OMG! Delicious, and not too bad for the waistline either!!
Line a 12X15 pan with wax paper. In a glass bowl, microwave the chocolate morsels for 3 minutes, stirring every minute. Spread the chocolate out in the pan, sprinkle the berries and nuts throughout, and use a spoon to press them in. Refrigerate for 2 hours, and there ya go!!! Cut it up and enjoy!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Avoiding the Rut
Once a woman becomes a Mom it is way to easy to fall into the rut of comfy clothes. Yoga pants, t-shirts, tennis shoes, etc. can become way too commonly worn every day wear. My children are 9 years, 7 years, and 7 months old. I wear high heels, dresses, wedges, flip flops too. I don't wear make-up too often, but my 7 month old has a love of kissing my face, and I would rather have the lovies than to be wearing make-up. I keep it simple and comfortable, but still fashionable.
My husband tells me frequently that I look amazing, yes he is biased, that is why I married him. I take about 30-40 minutes, including shower, to get ready. I have to blow dry my hair or else it looks a hot mess. But as far as clothes go, I am always looking for what is simple, cute, and looks great on me....regardless of the trends. I know my body, and what compliments my dum dum. I keep in mind that I am a nursing mother, but that I am also not wanting my boobs just out there. It isn't all that difficult to be a Mom with an infant, who doesn't nap let's not forget that, two school age children, not a lot of time, and STILL look good.
I would love to be able to help other Moms stay looking good and avoid the yoga pants rut. I don't spend a lot, keep it simple, and ALWAYS stick with what I know looks good on my body type!
My husband tells me frequently that I look amazing, yes he is biased, that is why I married him. I take about 30-40 minutes, including shower, to get ready. I have to blow dry my hair or else it looks a hot mess. But as far as clothes go, I am always looking for what is simple, cute, and looks great on me....regardless of the trends. I know my body, and what compliments my dum dum. I keep in mind that I am a nursing mother, but that I am also not wanting my boobs just out there. It isn't all that difficult to be a Mom with an infant, who doesn't nap let's not forget that, two school age children, not a lot of time, and STILL look good.
I would love to be able to help other Moms stay looking good and avoid the yoga pants rut. I don't spend a lot, keep it simple, and ALWAYS stick with what I know looks good on my body type!
Working From Home
It is a job just trying to find work to do from home. I feel like I could put in more hours looking than I could actually doing whatever work I end up doing. Searching, researching to make sure companies are legitimate, looking for as many leads as I can find, checking out the lead sources. It is a job just trying to find a job!
I am not sure how much time I have right now to devote to working, but as Gabs is getting a little older, and will be able to occupy herself a little more without needing me or boobie in her face constantly, I would like to be able to build up a little niche of time to devote to working from home. Now, if I can only find the opportunity I am looking for, my proverbial needle in a haystack!
I am not sure how much time I have right now to devote to working, but as Gabs is getting a little older, and will be able to occupy herself a little more without needing me or boobie in her face constantly, I would like to be able to build up a little niche of time to devote to working from home. Now, if I can only find the opportunity I am looking for, my proverbial needle in a haystack!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
My High Needs Baby...
Yesterday was a trying day. I was overcome by tears when after trying for 2 hours, I could not get my 7 month old to take a nap. I was laying in my bed nursing her and searching on my phone for some answers. I found a very interesting article that has made a world of difference in my mind.
This article, "12 Features of a High Need Baby," changed my outlook. My daughter is a sweet, loving, alert, attentive baby. She sleeps well at night, waking a couple times to roll over and nurse but nothing major. She does not nap during the day for more than 20 minutes unless on rare occassion. This article gave me the reassurance that its okay that my child is the way she is. It does not mean that I am not doing right by her, in fact the complete opposite, I am doing exactly what she needs. She needs me. She is a high needs baby, and that is okay.
She is perfect the way she is, and so am I. We will do our best to work with her personality, and cater to what works for us and her. I love my daughter, high needs, low maintainance, whatever personality type she has....but it felt very good to read a little reassuring article. Thank you Dr. Sears.
This article, "12 Features of a High Need Baby," changed my outlook. My daughter is a sweet, loving, alert, attentive baby. She sleeps well at night, waking a couple times to roll over and nurse but nothing major. She does not nap during the day for more than 20 minutes unless on rare occassion. This article gave me the reassurance that its okay that my child is the way she is. It does not mean that I am not doing right by her, in fact the complete opposite, I am doing exactly what she needs. She needs me. She is a high needs baby, and that is okay.
She is perfect the way she is, and so am I. We will do our best to work with her personality, and cater to what works for us and her. I love my daughter, high needs, low maintainance, whatever personality type she has....but it felt very good to read a little reassuring article. Thank you Dr. Sears.
Back from Vacation....whew, I need a Vacation...wait?!?!
Well, we successfully took three kids from the Washington, D.C. area to Puerto Rico, and back. Everyone made it safe and sound, we all had a fabulous time, and the kids did not want to come back! It was a beautiful trip, and now it is back to the grind of daily life.
Traveling with children can be scary, some of the looks of our fellow travellers were priceless. I carried the baby in a baby carrier, varying between my Moby Wrap, and an Ergo carrier. The two older kids, 9 & 7 years, hauled their carry on suitcases through the airports like pros. Hubby led the way, kids in the middle, and Mom carrying up the rear...we looked like a caravan but we made it without any complaining, no lost children, no lost luggage, and fully in tact.
My husband even proclaimed that traveling with these kids was easier than traveling with anyone he had ever travelled with...WOOT! It's all in the planning and execution.
Traveling with children can be scary, some of the looks of our fellow travellers were priceless. I carried the baby in a baby carrier, varying between my Moby Wrap, and an Ergo carrier. The two older kids, 9 & 7 years, hauled their carry on suitcases through the airports like pros. Hubby led the way, kids in the middle, and Mom carrying up the rear...we looked like a caravan but we made it without any complaining, no lost children, no lost luggage, and fully in tact.
My husband even proclaimed that traveling with these kids was easier than traveling with anyone he had ever travelled with...WOOT! It's all in the planning and execution.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Scrambled Eggs in Pita
This morning my 7 year old proclaimed that she wanted the same thing for breakfast this morning as yesterday. This would be scrambled eggs inside of a toasted pita....with a little Italian cheese in the eggs.
This time though, she wanted to be the "assistant chef." I cracked enough eggs for her, her sister, and my hubby (who is still upstairs sleeping with the She scrambled and I toasted the pitas...added the cheese. She informed me that I make eggs different than Daddy. Well there is a surprise, we do a lot of things differently.
She is growing up so fast. She is my itty bitty...meaning, she is really tiny for her age. At almost 8, in August, she weighs 40 pounds, and is a little over 3 1/2 feet tall. She has always been on the small side. This means that often times it is harder for her to do things that her peers can do easily.
This was a great morning for with my itty bitty!
This time though, she wanted to be the "assistant chef." I cracked enough eggs for her, her sister, and my hubby (who is still upstairs sleeping with the She scrambled and I toasted the pitas...added the cheese. She informed me that I make eggs different than Daddy. Well there is a surprise, we do a lot of things differently.
She is growing up so fast. She is my itty bitty...meaning, she is really tiny for her age. At almost 8, in August, she weighs 40 pounds, and is a little over 3 1/2 feet tall. She has always been on the small side. This means that often times it is harder for her to do things that her peers can do easily.
This was a great morning for with my itty bitty!
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