The thing about having personal issues is that whatever they are, the owner of the issues should be working on them. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was built! I think it is very important that regardless of whatever issues we are willing to live with, we should all be striving to grow beyond those issues, with the help and support of our mate, family, friends.
It is wonderful to accept people for who they are, it is vitally important, but it is equally important to be a support to them as they grow and learn more about themselves, life, human nature, whatever they need to learn about in order to grow.
Life is about change, growth, learning. Life is our teacher, and it is up to us to be the best students we can be. Don't throw your education down the toilet by getting caught up in the baggage of your life, and not working on yourself every day.
No one will treat you better than you treat yourself, that is my Dr. Philism of the day. But it is true, if you treat yourself like you are a worthless piece of crap, why would anyone treat you any differently.
Love yourself enough to find your self worth, and care for yourself like you would a newborn baby. Don't neglect or abuse your body or your mind, they are the only ones you get in this lifetime, and they really need you to thrive.
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