Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tell the truth or spare the feelings???

There is no easy way to parent effectively.  Parenting is a get your hands dirty, roll around in the mud kind of job.  Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe has NOTHING on being a parent day to day.  I often feel like I am playing tennis against MYSELF!  I have to be on both sides of the court, running back and forth, lobbing the ball, trying to win, but trying not to beat my own arse into the ground.  It is a balancing act of epic proportions.

Here is but a tiny example.  I am a room parent for my older daughter's class.  I volunteer in BOTH my girls' classes but I am official for my older daughter's class.  Well, the school is doing end of the year testing this week, Terra Nova testing.  My younger daughter is taking these tests for the first time, as they start in 2nd grade. 

My older daughter's class is having a party at the end, on Friday, to celebrate being done with these boring, hours and hours long tests all week.  My younger daughter caught wind of this party, and started asking her sister questions.  In her excitement, my older daughter laid it all out on the line, the sack races, hula hooping, sticker tattoos, music, snacks.  I could see my younger daughter's eyes about to pop out of her skull in sheer desire for everything her big sis was describing. 

And then it happens, the little one turns to me and asks, "How come my class isn't having a party?"  Like a deflated balloon zipping around the kitchen running out of air and screaching a high pitched squeal I fell apart. I hate having to disappoint any of my girls, but life happens. So I explained the logistics, and how she will have a party on some day that her sister won't....and blah blah blah.  She made me promise to be there...sure, no problem, DONE!  They are great kids with a ton of understanding, they make parenting a lot less messy.

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