Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's me again Margaret....

So I guess I took a little impromptu hiatus...sorry folks.  Being pregnant, planning a church ceremony, having two great little girls, and the family pup home with me all Summer, while pregnant, had me a little tied up...sometimes literally.  But I am back to my regularly scheduled blogging, and hope to keep up with things, eventhough I am currently 34 weeks pregnant.  It's hard for me to be too active, so why not blog, right?? 
My girls are spending the next two weeks with their Dad, which means, it's just me, the hubs, and the pup, and of course, the resident in my  Some people say to me, "Well, at least you get a break."  You know what, I don't look at it that way.  I have two amazing girls, and a great hubby, so I really don't ever feel like I need them to go away.  That being said, I miss them like crazy, and often find it very emotionally trying when they are not here.
I think that comes from how I define myself.  I know we are not supposed to lose ourselves in the titles we hold, but I truly define myself as a Mom, not in totality, I do have other hats obviously...but I am Mom.  It is ingrained in my being, there is nothing I can do about that, nor would I.  But it does make it harder to say goodbye to them for extended periods.  So, what do I do to cope?!?!  Well, I usually try to save projects that I know they have no interest in, or at least would be more of a hindrance than a help with, for when they are gone.  At least that way, I feel productive, and fill my time pretty well when they are not here.  Soon enough, the new little baby will be here and I will be searching for time to get certain things done...but for now, that is what I do.
It's hard starting over, we are all certainly better off, God knows that, but it has been more challenging than even I imagined.  The girls have handled life's circumstances so well...I admire their strength...and I am proud that they are my daugthters. 

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