Today I feel like I am being pulled in 12 different directions. We are down to one car, we have Christmas programs, Christmas shopping, moms coming in to town within the week, I have had to drive the kids to their dads and back (which is an 80 mile round trip venture), nursing a toddler, chasing a toddler, trying to clean the house, AAAAHHHHH!!!!
Today is one of those days that the Art of Being Mom looks like a Pablo Picasso painting on crack. I am writing this while nursing the baby to sleep, talk about multi-tasking. I have to go pick up Christmas cards, pick up the kids, pick up the hubby, dinner, get the kids dressed and ready for the Christmas program tonight, make myself presentable, toddler, hubby can definitely dress himself thank God.
I just feel very stressed, and like I am unable to enjoy this time of year. With all the running and chasing, and doing and going, I feel like I cannot even enjoy what this season is supposed to be about. I need a break. Maybe I need to just start earlier, like March.
I hate to sound like a BAH HUMBUG, but sometimes, that is how I feel. Of course that all changes when I look at my kids and see how excited they are for Christmas to get here.
Okay, baby asleep, check! Now, to lay her down for a nap and grab a shower....I hope that smell isnt me, I am pretty sure it is the dog...another task for my ever growing TO DO LIST.
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