Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gun Control???

In the wake of the events in Connecticut yesterday many people are discussing our need for stricter gun control laws, but some are calling for LESS gun control.  I am respectful of EVERYONE'S opinion, but I completely disagree with this thinking.  I do not think that teachers should be able to carry a concealed weapon inside a school. 

I do not think ANYONE should be allowed to carry any weapon inside of a school.

The fact of the matter is this, there will be tragedy in our society.  The immediate gut reaction may be, "well if I was there and had been able to carry a concealed weapon, I would have shot him."  Unless you are in that exact situation with those exact circumstances, you have no idea what you would actually do. 

So are we supposed to allow teachers to carry weapons and just think that is not going to scare the hell out of the children?  What about the percentages of accidental weapon firings?  Are we going to be okay with that happening in a school?  What about kids that may find a weapon that is not concealed properly enough, because kids are curious and will seek to play with things that they find.

I think allowing any type of fire arms inside any school is asking for more trouble than it would potential diminish.  The right to bare arms was not designed for dealing with crazy weapons wielding people inside an elementary school.  Our forefathers could not have conceived of this type of action.  This did not happen then. 

I understand the anger and frustration driving this thinking.  I understand being completely disturbed by these events to the point of wanting to physically harm the person who did this, regardless of whether or not he is already dead. 

I think we need to focus on WHY these people are doing these horrible things.  What is the mental capacity of these people, and what is the responsibility of their friends and family to report anyone with this severity of mental illness.  I cannot imagine that this person was NOT mentally ill.  In order to walk into a school that his mother used to work in, and shoot innocent children, he HAS to be mentally ill.  Where was his family in this?   Where was his village of support?  THIS is where we have to combat these tragedies.

We need to ENFORCE the gun laws we have set in place.  Mentally ill people should never, ever have access legally to weapons.  We have laws regarding this and they often go uninforced.  Yes, there are other ways to get weapons, but if we make it as difficult as possible we increase our chances that some how this person will screw up their plan enough that someone will notice, and report them BEFOREHAND. 

I believe we need to protect our children above anything, but I do not agree that allowing teachers and staff to carry concealed weapons is the answer to this problem.  I believe it would further the problem even more.  Go hug your babies, and tell them you love them, because they cannot hear it often enough.


  1. Jaime I agree with you. Teachers should not be armed. I do think higher security should be made available to every school to include metal detectors. I don't think it should be that easy for outsiders to get to our children. I believe that just like drugs, people can always get what they want. I would like to see protective not preventive measures taken at this point. Like it or not we as a society need to change too. This generation of 20 to 30 are the " we deserve" and "somebody owes me" generation. I don't know why he did what he did, but my first thought is his mother was on him to find a job. Justmy opinion. Hopefully we will find out more.

  2. I agree with you wholeheartedly on changing our society. We have to do something, and it starts at home. When kids exhibit inappropriate behavior we need to stop them, but they still need to know they are loved and cherished. Too many people turn their heads to the neglect and abuse of kids, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or whatever. You and your hubby are great parents, I can attest to that. We as a society need to regain control of our parenting, and stop letting the outside world, ie media, Hollywood, the internet, etc., raise our kids. I hope we find an answer in this mess, but how tragic that it takes things like THIS to make us really wake up. Thank you for commenting, I love sharing opinions!!!
