Wednesday, December 19, 2012

When exactly did 9PM start feeling like midnight?!?

I just looked at the clock a minute ago...about 5 times.  It is only 9p.m. and yet my body says it feels like it is midnight.  I feel like I have been awake for days.  I got up around 4:30 this morning, maybe that has something to do with it.  Yes, I know, I was being sarcastic.

I have always been an early bird, never really a night owl.  But I used to be able to stay up until at least double digits without a problem.  Man, I really must be practicing my way to the early bird special at 4pm when I am 90 years old or something. 

So, our doctor appointment went pretty well.  Not sure how many of you have kids with reflux, but that is what the doctor thinks the issue is for my middle peanut.  He wants us to keep a food and symptom diary and keep track of everything she eats and drinks, and every time she complains of a stomach ache.  If we do not see significant improvement in a month, we take our log and go to the doctor. 

I hope that this is really simple.  I hope it is reflux and the solution is as easy as watching her diet and monitoring what she eats and how it affects her.  She complained about 1 1/2 hours after dinner tonight that her tummy hurt.  She ate a couple crackers and was fine.  I guess only time will tell.  She is excited about keeping the log, thank goodness!

If anyone has any experience with reflux in an older child I would appreciate some input, and if you are willing to answer some questions, I would really appreciate it!
Now, I think I am going to watch the most interesting thing I have seen all day, the backs of my eyelids. 

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