I have a question for you parents out there. How young is too young for the Hunger Games book/movie? It is rated PG-13, so obviously the movie industry feels that 13 is an appropriate age, unless accompanied by a parent.
My 7 year old 2nd grader came home today complaining that several of her classmates were playing a new game called, Hunger Games. I asked her what they were doing, and she said they were pretending to use weapons and kill each other. Now, I am not naive, but I had hoped that my 7 year old would be for a little while yet.
My 9 year old said her classmates are obsessed with the Hunger Games, and she quite frankly is sick of it....I love that kid. I will also say, my kids go to a private, Catholic School. I don't know if I am wrong in expecting more because of this, but I do, and my bank account says that I have a right to, since all my money goes to them.
So, I want to hear from parents, what are your thoughts on the Hunger Games, what is old enough for the book and/or movie? Do you think that I shouldn't be at all surprised that 7 & 8 year olds are enacting the concept on the playground? Should I mention it to the teacher? Or am I just being an overconservative prude? Go ahead, give me your honest opinion...
I think, my personal opinion, Hunger Games is completely inappropriate for elementary aged kids. I don't like the concept of it all to begin with. When there is a zero tolerance policy on weapons in the school and kids get in trouble for drawing violent scenes of carnage, there is no place in schools for this type of roll play. I would be very concerned. Kids this age are too young to understand the consequences of killing and the finality of death. you live with someone who has had to "kill" for his job/life, "Hunger Games" is not something I want in my life or the lives of my children.