Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Natural Disasters, Pregnancy, and Life as I Know It.

In one week, I experienced my first earthquake, and a hurricane.  I am currently 36 weeks pregnant, 35 weeks when these things both came along....and boy am I ready to be done with pregnancy.  I am currently actively seeking new and different ways to generate income while at home, trying to get back into the groove of the new school year, and get ready for baby...Mother Nature had to make sure I did not forget her presence!  Well, howdy do!

I am currently looking into becoming a Virtual Assistant.  This idea was suggested to me by a friend in one of my Mom groups.  I hope to be able to pass along some further information soon.  If anyone out here already has some good information that they would like to share, please feel free to comment.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Working From Home...

Lately I have been on a mission, a mission to find a legitimate way to earn money from home.  There is so much out there, but so much of it is absolute crap.  How is someone to find a legitimate source for work at home work, that does NOT involve calling people and harrassing them at home.  I can't stand that done to me, so I certainly don't want to sign up to do it to others. 

I found a couple sources on Facebook, Adventures of Working At Home has been a great resource!!!  Another one I found on Facebook that seems to have a great wealth of information is Genuine Work At Home Advice.

These ladies seem to really have a great wealth of resources for those of us trying to crack into the working at home scene. 

I signed up to write articles for a text site, and also for a legitimate mystery shopping company.  I am just starting with both, so I will have to update with how they work out.  They seem pretty decent, as they both require tax forms for employment, and neither ask for money.  They have a process by which you actually get "hired,"  and each have an evaluation process by which they will let you know how you are doing as a worker.  So hopefully, I will soon be reporting great things.

Do any of you work at home?  What are your businesses?  How did you find yourself in the field you are currently in?  Are you happy?  Do you have any advice for the parents out there that want to be able to earn extra income while staying at home with the kiddos?  Please feel free to share your information and experiences here!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How Does This Happen???

Upon watching GMA this morning, I was listening to the story about the teen in Florida who has been arrested for plotting to bomb a high school on the first day of classes.  This boy had apparently been expelled from school towards the end of the last school year, and had not registered for classes this year. 

Where are his parents?  Pictures of him drinking, smoking marijuana, and posting very troubling quotes on Facebook were shown.  This kid is 17, many would think of him as an adult, but he is still a child.  I am 34, and by no means was I a GROWN UP at 17.  I was mature for my age, yes, but knowing what I know now....I was a kid.  Where are the adults responsible for teaching and guiding this troubled child?  Somewhere, somehow, something went wrong for him, horribly wrong....and who is going to be held responsible for THAT?!?!  He was planning on killing 32 people, including 2 principals....he had his agenda figured out.  He knew some time ago what he was going to do, and to whom.  When in his life, did his brain flip that switch to thinking that THIS is the way to deal with people in the world that you don't agree with, or that come down on you for something.  This child was failed somewhere along the way....

Thank God someone came forward and gave the police an anonymous tip....they should be able to sleep a little better tonight...too bad they couldn't make a difference earlier, maybe they tried, who knows. What a sad life this kid has.


Monday, August 15, 2011

National Beef Recall...

Apparently this mostly affects those in the South/Southeast regions.....


34 Weeks Pregnant and Counting...

Today I hit the 34 week mark in this pregnancy.  I feel okay, typical pregnancy stuff, tired, peeing all night, some contractions here and there, and it takes me 5 minutes to actually get up once I sit down.  I am all baby....seriously.  If someone looks at me straight on, or from behind, it might be hard to tell I am even pregnant, but from the side, it looks like she is pushing her way out through my belly button. 
This pregnancy has had me more hormonal than my last two, but I am 7 years older than I was the last time I was pregnant.  I am also in a different life, different stresses, different concerns.
I am looking forward to meeting my newest baby girl, as are all the members of her family.  I am the type of Mom that insists on getting out of the house, and getting active with the baby early on.  Given she is due at the end of September, our time might be limited with the impending Fall/Winter weather....but I will do my best.  Three kids, a puppy, my hubby, a house that is not self-cleaning (when oh when will someone invent THAT?!?!), this is my life....and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Everything in Moderation...


The above article by the NY Times is just another illustration of how we need to focus on moderation.  Whether we are dealing with food, tv, sports, whatever.  There is a time and a place for everything, and we need to work harder as parents at keeping our children balanced.  In the long run, it is a valuable life lesson for them.  We do not want to breed another generation of work-a-holic, stress riddled individuals.  We need to teach our kids hwo to strike a balance in life, and in turn, teaching them helps to reinforce the lesson for ourselves as well. 

A Mother’s Nightmare: Bacteria Resistant To Antibiotics | Healthy Child Healthy World

A Mother’s Nightmare: Bacteria Resistant To Antibiotics Healthy Child Healthy World

This article just got me. As a Mom, the health and well being of my children is so incredibly important to me. This is why I try and turn to organics and locally grown produce and meats as often as possible. As a SAHM the cost of both is a concern to me, but really, the benefit outweighs the monetary cost. I think if we all adjust our eating habits so that we are once again eating to live, not living to eat...well, it's the best relationship to have with food.
Whether you have children or not, read this, it is eye opening, to say the least.

It's me again Margaret....

So I guess I took a little impromptu hiatus...sorry folks.  Being pregnant, planning a church ceremony, having two great little girls, and the family pup home with me all Summer, while pregnant, had me a little tied up...sometimes literally.  But I am back to my regularly scheduled blogging, and hope to keep up with things, eventhough I am currently 34 weeks pregnant.  It's hard for me to be too active, so why not blog, right?? 
My girls are spending the next two weeks with their Dad, which means, it's just me, the hubs, and the pup, and of course, the resident in my womb...lol.  Some people say to me, "Well, at least you get a break."  You know what, I don't look at it that way.  I have two amazing girls, and a great hubby, so I really don't ever feel like I need them to go away.  That being said, I miss them like crazy, and often find it very emotionally trying when they are not here.
I think that comes from how I define myself.  I know we are not supposed to lose ourselves in the titles we hold, but I truly define myself as a Mom, not in totality, I do have other hats obviously...but I am Mom.  It is ingrained in my being, there is nothing I can do about that, nor would I.  But it does make it harder to say goodbye to them for extended periods.  So, what do I do to cope?!?!  Well, I usually try to save projects that I know they have no interest in, or at least would be more of a hindrance than a help with, for when they are gone.  At least that way, I feel productive, and fill my time pretty well when they are not here.  Soon enough, the new little baby will be here and I will be searching for time to get certain things done...but for now, that is what I do.
It's hard starting over, we are all certainly better off, God knows that, but it has been more challenging than even I imagined.  The girls have handled life's circumstances so well...I admire their strength...and I am proud that they are my daugthters.