This is always a tough question for me, regarding when to let the kids stay home when they do not feel well. I have two polar opposites when it comes to my school age girls. One stays healthy pretty much all the time, and suffers most from stress. She is home today, not feeling well. My other school ager suffers daily from allergy issues, sinus pressure, general stuffiness and constant issues, she is at school today.
The younger one is currently on medication for an ear infection, and I have to say I completely expected her to want to stay home when she found out that her older sister was staying home. She did not, kudos to her. She packed her backpack, gave me her rundown of the 10 things that hurt or are bothering her (she is a bit of a hypochondriac), and hopped into the car to go to school.
The older sister got up, looked like she was not wanting to go anywhere but back to bed, and started getting ready for school. The baby and I went up to check on everyone, and upon entering her room she became wet eyed and proclaimed she did not feel well and wanted to stay home. She was dressed for school except for one sock. She proceeded to climb into her bed, one sock still off and pull the covers up over her head. I hemmed and hawed, and felt her forehead. She felt a little warm, but probably from being under the covers. I let her stay home. She said her head, sinuses, and stomach hurt. She took a nap and seems okay now, although she is still tired.
I went back and forth in my head over whether to make her get up, take something, and go to school, or just let her stay in bed...the staying in bed won. When she reaches the point of not wanting to go to school, whether she is really sick or not, she really is not well. Maybe she just needs a mental health day, maybe she really is sick. I cannot be sure. But either way, I let her stay home.
If they other one had asked to stay home would I have let her? I cannot say for sure. That sounds terrible right?!?! They are so different. The younger of the two would stay home every day and in her pajamas all day if I let her. The older one stresses about missing school because of what she will have to make up.
What do you use as your parental parameters regarding when you let your kids stay home? Is it the same across the board for all the kids in the house?
She just coughed, maybe that is her token symptom trying to convince me she really did need to be home today due to illness....or she just had to clear her throat.
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