Is this true or what?!?! Why is it that everyone could be happy and content and the minute, no the second I decide to finally go pee after holding it for 8 hours everyone is looking for me. All of a sudden the APB is out on Mom and I need to give any and all of my children my attention at once. And it is not just the kids, my dog has been found sitting outside the bathroom door while I hide out, oops, I mean, use the bathroom.
Where is the radar located, and how do I get Tom Cruise to go Mission Impossible to disable this thing?!?! My toddler can now open the door, unless I lock it of course. Then she just shoves her fingers under the door and yells, "Mommy, Mommy!!"
I feel like some crack hoe tryin' to hide a habit in there, and really all I want to do is pee in peace. I would love an explanation on this one. Yes, I know, I stopped paying attention to them and they realized it, but seriously, I cannot even get completely in the bathroom without the toddler making a Rambo maneuver and pushing the door in just as I am about to close it. Then she slams it shut and stands there, looking at me.
They call me the Warden, but I have to be supervised while I pee, sounds a little backwards eh? Who do I have to bribe to get a little quiet tinkle time around this place?!?!
Mine are older but I have to lock the bathroom door now. They will walk past their father to come find me in the bathroom to ask me what color is the sky.