Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Breastfeeding Bonanza

My nineteen month old is still a breastfeeding machine. This is something I never thought we would be doing at this age. My older two daughters weaned much earlier. My littlest princess really loves the nurturing, soothing feeling she gets from nuzzling up to my breast and latching on even if just for a couple minutes. She is teething right now, which means her nursing sessions are more frequent. I wonder if she will start to self wean after all the molars she is cutting have broken through.

I read an article once that said if a child does not start to self wean by 18 months then the mom will have to force wean them. I am not 100% sure if this is true, but I hope not. I am trying to let her lead the way into weaning, but she seems to have no interest. I, however, am beginning to hope the light at the end of the tunnel is near. While I love her to death, and love our little moments together I would like my body back. I am happy to snuggle, nuzzle, and cuddle her whenever her little heart desires.

Maybe if she did not nurse as much as she does I would feel differently. I don’t know. She asks for boobie every couple of hours, and a couple times still at night. So I have not slept through the night in over two years, including those pregnancy months where I was up peeing every hour or two. She asks so politely too, “Boobie please, Mommy, boobie please.” I mean really who could say no to that. Then she gives me this cheesy grin and sometimes kisses me. She is a con artist of epic proportions.

I don’t know. I say I want her to start weaning, but who knows, if she does actually start I may cry about my baby growing up. I think I am ready to start weaning, but then again this is probably the last baby I will ever have the chance to nurse and wean anyway so why not relish the last moments we have like this. She is smart, healthy as a horse, happy, and a complete joy. I guess when I really think about it, in my heart of hearts I am happy with her still at the boob. I just wish she would give me a break at night.


  1. Jaime,
    Do what's best for you! I didn't wean Elyse until she was 22 mos. She had a blood issue so the ped encouraged me to keep going, if I felt I could. I also admit, I am a lazy weaner! lol I had her down to bedtime and then had to cut her off. It was hard b/c she didn't take a pacifier. I was her pacifier, but I finally did it! She still likes to put her hand in my shirt, up my sleeve is her favorite when she is tired, and now she's 6. It gets annoying especially when her hands are ice cold, but then I remind myself of how in a few years she'll won't want to be seen with me, so I relax about it. Good luck!

  2. You know, I don't know how long I want to keep this up. Part of me says I want to stop 7 months ago...lol...the other part says, eh, just a little longer. So since I cannot turn back the hands of time, I guess we go with a little longer. It makes me feel better to know I am certainly not alone...thank you for sharing!!
