Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Joys Of Pregnancy...

I often feel sorry for my hubby, living with two little girls, a goofy pup, and a pregnant wife.  I am 16 weeks along, and the first 12 were horrible.  I was sick almost all the time, which was completely different from my first two pregnancies....color me SHOCKED, and green...very green...

Now, I am no longer nauseous, thank goodness, but I have that pregnancy insomnia, and I am also dealing with limbs falling asleep through the night, which wakes me up.  I don't have a whole lot of energy, and I know I am not as active as I was before I got pregnant. 

I love my hubby, and he is great for being patient and as understanding as he can be, considering this isn't really an experience he can relate to.  He does a great job, and I appreciate him very much. 

We are heading to Puerto Rico next week, some sun, fun, and best of all, relaxation! I am looking forward to our getaway....

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