Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What is the opposite of the baby blues???

I am just completely in love with my kids. My older girls are so sweet, smart, and justamazing. The baby is just so happy, fun, and a ball of joy. I am just one proud Mama today, every day!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Today is the unofficial start of summer!  With pools opening everywhere, grills being sparked up, cookouts, swimsuits (okay not every aspect is great), and being outside with friends and family, what could be better!!! 

Don't forget to apply sunscreen, drink plenty of water, and get outside to enjoy the wonderful weather!!!

Our pool opens at 10 am this morning, so I need to get a jump on getting ready!!!  Three kids, hubby, sssshhh, don't tell the dog he doesn't get to come on this one...making lunch, packing the cooler and getting everyone ready...oh yeah and don't forget the pool passes!!!! 

Have a great day everyone, be safe, and have fun.  Enjoy Summer any way you can!